This is a letter I sent today to a dear friend of mine which as difficulties coping with different aspects of life. She is from another religious faith and I am introducing my Christian faith for the first time. I did not spend much time elaborating the content and the form of my letter but did take a couple of hours, to me it could signify a day or more because I am not a natural writer, I often rely on inspiration, and hope that it is satisfying. I do believe that it could interest many people.
My dear friend,
I hope that you are better, life has so many things to offer more than school or business oriented achievements. I want to cheer you up but I want you to know that I am a Christian and that I believe that God can help everybody.
I will summarise my faith and I hope that you will come back to me on the subject: Jesus is lord, he died for the sins of the world and God resurrected him from the dead. Many people claim to be Christians but do not pray to him as they should.
The bible is a very beautiful book for everyone, I am sorry to repeat that many Christian have not read it and have read many books on any given subject. I do believe the bible to be true, I have verified different translations and the meaning remains similar in English and in French or in various Christian churches.
I have read the bible when I was a teenager and I often read passages since. Every now and than I just open the bible at random to read a few verses. I have started to study the bible again only a few months ago, I have a lot of studying to do to better understand and retain more knowledge.
The New Testament shows the love of God through his son, how he forgives all those that want to be forgiven.The Old Testament of the bible is the first part of the bible and the New Testament is the second part.
In the Old testament is the history of the Jews, how they came to be and how they survived by there faith and how they obeyed God. The creation of Adam and Eve is the creation of mankind, I do believe it but tend a little in the belief of the creation of the chosen part of mankind but I have never perceived any debate on the subject.
The Old Testament consist also of many written laws, there are the ten principal commandments That Moses received but there is a multitude of laws inside the Judaism that we can also find in the old Testament, some for the food that can be eaten, some for the way people should clean themselves because of sicknesses or impurity, some for the way sacrifices should be performed etc. In The New Testament Jesus-Christ says that he did not come to abolish the law but to accomplish it, that love is in some the law. Where written law brings death to those that fail to follow it, faith in Jesus-Christ brings eternal life.For thousands of years the Jews recorded their history, they have a lot of belief in signs and prophesies. Jews where the chosen people because of their faith in God, the creator of all things, there are in sort an example, but they did not recognize Christ our saviour.
For thousands of years, in their culture, the Jews would give thanks to God by offering sacrifices; so it is my belief that God talks to men in a language or fashion that he understands. We may ask ourselves: How can God send his spirit in the form of a man to be sacrifice? We should really be asking ourselves how can mankind be so cruel and find a way to publically execute love made man.
In a book of the Old Testament we can find the following in Hosea chapter6 verse6: For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings.
In a book of the New Testament we can find the following in Romans chapter13 verse 10: Love does no harm to its neighbour. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
The Old Testament is believed to be in sort the announcement of the coming of Christ. The New Testament is the grace of God; it shows how we can have a meaningful life on earth and eternal life by our faith in Jesus-Christ.
The New Testament is very easy to read, what is known as the Gospel are four short books which are testimonials of four different apostles, there are practically a replication of one an other, the following books are letters from different apostles and the last book known as Revelation or The Apocalypse is very symbolic or prophetic. The last book must also be taken word for word, so it is my personal belief that we must all read it but understand it by our own personal means.
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